The company believes that good Health, Safety & Environment performance is an integral part of efficient and profitable business management and therefore committed to executing its activities to ensure safe and healthy working environment for all employees and the safety of persons living in the vicinity of the installation. The company’s goal of no major incident in every project will be achieved by maintaining proactive HSE programs designed to prevent Accidents and Incidents. To achieve this, the company is guided by the following principles;
- HSE is of equal importance as other business activities
- No activity shall be carried out unless considered safe
- Safeguard the health and safety of all employees, contractors and third parties
- Minimize the impact of activities on the environment.
- Maintain good relationship with host communities and all stakeholders.
- Enhance security of life and equipment
- Belief that “Every job could be safely done”
- Effective communication of HSE requirements and results to all stakeholders
- Compliance with all relevant HSE regulations and requirements.
- Continual improvement of the HSE system.
The Basic
Worker involvement on health and safety is simply a two-way process where you and your employees:
- talk to one another
- listen to one another’s concerns
- raise concerns and solve problems together
- seek and share views and information
- discuss issues in good time
- consider what everyone has to say
- make decisions together
- The HSE Policy is commitment towards safe work practices, occupational safety and health, safety of the employees and environment. The management’s commitment towards health, safety and environment is represented by HSE policy.
- It shows how the company being a good corporate citizen assumes its business and Ethical responsibilities to create a safe & healthy workplace for the Employees and a cleaner environment.
- Keeping in line with the company’s global vision, the company shall aspire for continuous improvement in all our activities including Health, Safety & Environment (HSE).
- The company shall not merely remain in compliance with all applicable laws & requisitions pertaining to HSE, but shall strive to go beyond them.
- In order to strengthen the concern and commitment of our employees towards continuous improvement in regards to HSE standards, their contributions in this area shall be considered a factor in their annual performance appraisal.
- We are committed to dovetailing HSE considerations in planning & executing new projects, products & processes as well as in the up gradation of existing projects, products & processes.
- Strike to reduce the probability of the accidents which have the potential to cause injury, disablement & loss of life & property.
- Take measure to minimize health impairment of people involved in carrying out the manufacturing activities at different manufacturing locations.
- To minimize degradation of the general environment in & around the location, by controlling probable situations which have the potential to adversely affect the environment.
- To minimize undue wastage of the material resources including water, RM & other solvents required for the manufacturing of the products as well as electrical energy which help in preventing environment pollution.
- To ensure compliance with all HSE related statutory laws, rules & regulations and be a good responsible corporate citizens.
- To educate the employees so that they can be aware of their own safety, health & wellbeing as well as their responsibility towards the environment.
- To train, retrain & thereby motivate the employees so that they are able to identify & eliminate prevailing unsafe practices as well as we able to improve, upgrade & mention their workplace free of unsafe action & condition.
- All employees are expected to wear clean uniform and caps while on duty.
- Smoking is not allowed in the plant.
- Safety helmet, goggles & gloves have been issued to all relevant staff members & must be worn at all times on duty or on any designated site whenever necessary. For handling hazardous chemicals, you must use acid proof aprons and face shields.
- For working at heights safety belts should be worn.
- No welding or hot work without a fire permit.
- For doing any maintenance work, a work permission is necessary.
- Do not start any work without a work permit.
- For doing any excavation work, excursion permission is necessary.
- Do not block any safety shower, fire appliance or exhaust.
General Rules
1. Housekeeping :
Work place and surrounding area shall be kept clean and free from obstructions.
- On job completion all tools, equipment and left over material shall be collected at designated storage place.
- Waste oily material and other intermediate material shall be removed and kept in covered metallic containers
Slipping substance such as grease or oil spilled on floor, shall be wiped and cleaned immediately.
2. Approval 
- While wearing an apron or working on near moving machinery, no employee or individual is to wear loose clothing.
- All persons engaged in oiling or cleaning of machinery shall put on tight fitting clothes, shoes, boots must be properly lashed.
- The safety apparel to be worn shall be specified in the work permit by the department person or in charge.
3. Electricity
- No work shall be performed in close proximity to electric supply lines including and operations without the expressed approval of components authority or any authorized individual or team in charge.
- The use of defective plugs, sockets and flexible cable shall be avoided.
- No one except a person duly authorized by electrical section shall operate any switch gear or other electric equipment except for routine starting and stopping motors and switching on or switching off lights, fans etc.
4. Smoking
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the factory premises and any location shall be a punishable offence. All the personnel shall deposit the match boxes and lighters at the gate with security in case of visitors. It is the person/section visited, who shall ensure that the visitor does not err. Adm. Bldg, staff canteen & main gate office are exempted places for smoking.
5. First-aid boxes
First-aid boxes shall be provided in suitable places in every department.
6. Health:
Any contagious or communicable disease suffered by the employee shall be intimated to the management by the individual. Food, water and beverages shall be taken at designated places only.
7. Reporting of Accidents
Whenever an injured person is required to be sent to the hospital for treatment, the executive on duty should prepare three copies of Accident form & send as per the procedure. In case of serious accident information should be sent at once to location head or his designee.
8. Investigation Of Accidents:
The essential requirements of successful accidents prevention practice Every accident is investigated expeditiously and causes are analyzed critically. Remedy for avoiding recurrence is recommended and applied.
9. Unusual Occurrences:
These are learning incidents which have the potential of accidents / mishaps/ spillages. These shall be reported, investigated and remedial actions thereof shall be expeditiously implemented to prevent recurrence.
10. Emergency
An Emergency shall be declared if an untoward incident (Fire, Major solvent / inflammable material spill or Major injury Accidents) occurs and requires the mobilization of all possible resources to tackle it. Regular drills shall be conducted to familiarize every-body on their roles in the event of such emergency. Participation in these drills is mandatory as per procedure.
11. Work at Height
- All work at height is properly planned & organized
- Those involved in work at height are trained and competent
- The location where work at height to be safe always.
- Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected and controlled
- The risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled
- The risks from falling objects are properly controlled.
- use an existing place or means of access
- Use the most suitable way of working
- Select the most suitable equipment
- All work at height takes account of weather conditions that could endanger health & safety
12. Fire Protection
Fire remains a threat to the plant and property, particularly as we use a number of flammable chemicals All big fires are initially small and are best & Prevented if detected extinguished in the incipient stage. Hence each one of us should be alert about fire and know how to extinguish it.
- A fire takes places if a flammable material gets heated up to its ignition point in the presence of air. The fire further propagates due to the chain reaction taking place between the molecules of the fuel & oxygen. The energy released as a result of the chemical reaction is in the form of air, light & flames.
- Thus a fire will start if all the three elements Heat, Fuel & Oxygen cone together in right proportions. This is also known as fire triangle. A fire will continue to burn if the chain reaction is also present. This is known as tetrahedron of fire.
- Fire can be prevented if the three sides of fire triangle are never allowed to meet together.
- Fires are classified into five categories:
- Class A : Solid fires (Wood, paper, cloth etc.)
- Class B : Liquid fires ( Petrol, methanol, IPA etc.)
- Class C : Gas fires (Hydrogen, LPG, Acetylene etc.)
- Class D : Metal fires (Na, K, Aluminum, Zinc etc.)
- Class E : Electrical fires (Panel, Motors, Cables etc.)
Fire Extinguisher Operation:
- Pull the pin
- Aim at the base of fire
- Squeeze the handle
- Sweep side to side at the base of the fire
Electrical Hazards & Safety
Working with electricity is extremely dangerous and need to make sure that all necessary safety precautions taken in the electrical hazardous area.
The four main types of injuries are
- Electrocution (fatal)
- Electric shock
- Burns
- Falls
Safety precautions for working with or near electricity
- Inspect tools, power cords, and electrical fittings for damage or wear prior to each use. Also, ensure it is inspected and color coded periodically.
- Always tape cords to walls or floors when necessary. Nails and staples
- Can damage cords causing fire and shock hazards.
- Use cords or equipment that is rated for the level of amperage or wattage that you are using.
- Always use the correct size fuse. Replacing a fuse with one of a larger size can cause excessive currents in the wiring and possibly start a fire.
- Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be a sign that unsafe wiring conditions exist. Unplug any cords to these outlets and do not use until a qualified electrician has checked the wiring.
- Always use ladders made of wood or other non- conductive materials when working with or near electricity or power lines.
- Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.
- Do not use power tools with the guards removed.
- Do not block access to circuit breakers or fuse boxes.
- Place halogen lights away from flammable materials such as cloths or curtains. Halogen lamps can become very hot and may be a fire hazard.
- Risk of electric shock is greater in areas that are wet or damp. Install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) as they will interrupt the electrical circuit before a current sufficient to cause death or serious injury occurs.
- Make sure that exposed receptacle boxes are made of non- conductive materials.
Welding & Cutting
- Keep welding leads and burning hoses out of corridors and aisles.
- Inspect all leads, grounds, clamps, welding machines, hoses, gauges, torches and cylinders before use.
- All work must have a separate and adequate ground connection.
- Be sure all fittings, couplings and connections are tight.
- Avoid breathing fumes. Use local exhaust or a respirator.
- No welding or burning must be done on a closed vessel or tank.
- Each welder is responsible for containing sparks and slags and/or removing combustibles to prevent fire.
- Hoses and welding leads should not be run through doorways or wall openings. If necessary protect them from damage.
- Do not leave the rod in the electrode holder when you lay it down. Put stubs in a proper container-not on the floor.
Personal Protective Equipment’s
- Personal protective equipment protect the human beings from exposure against various kinds of hazards. PPE themselves do not eliminate accidents or the hazard, but protect against the effects there of.
- The best of engineering provisions at one time or other can fail, hence the use of PPE is a must.
- PPE are available for protection of various parts of body against each type of hazard.
- PPE must be usable, reliable, economical and maintainable in clean and hygienic conditions. It should be borne in mind that PPE adds to the cost of production. If it’s not used appropriately, it would affect the availability of PPE reserves & fail to meet its intended purpose. PPE protect the skin against the action of chemicals at the surface & within the respiratory system.
- Adding on to that, the right equipment helps prevent ingestion of hazardous material. This helps in obviating physical injury and health impairment.
Tools & Equipment’s
- All tools and equipment shall be maintained in a safe working condition. Damaged tools or equipment must be removed from service and tagged “defective” or “Out of service”.
- Only appropriate tools shall be used for a specific job.
- Portable electric tools shall not be lifted or loaded by means of the power cable.
- The right tool shall be used for
- Power tools shall be inspected periodically and color coded.
- Power tools shall be inspected periodically and color coded.
Emergency Instructions
- Switch on the nearest Fire Alarm
- Contain the emergency appropriately.
- All officers, supervisors and other members of core group to rush to the site of emergency.
- Affected area supervisors/ shift-in-charge to guide core group members in mitigating the emergency.
- If required on the instructions of shift-in-charge shut down operations in an orderly manner.
- Switch on the nearest Fire Alarm
- Contain the emergency appropriately.
- All officers, supervisors and other members of core group to rush to the site of emergency.
- Affected area supervisors/ shift-in-charge to guide core group members in mitigating the emergency.
- If required on the instructions of shift-in-charge shut down operations in an orderly manner.
Duties of Site Manager (Shift In Charge)
On hearing the departmental Fire Hooter/ Main Fire Siren, he will rush to the site of emergency. He will immediately take over the charge of the site from the area supervisor and instruct him to carry out other duties. Important activities to be carried out by the Shift in- charge/Site manager are as follows:
- MOBILISE all resources available including man equipment, information etc. to curb the situation and prevent it from further aggravating.
- Mobilize the Core Group & other persons at the site to carry out various tasks.
- Arrange for rescue of injured /affected/trapped persons.
- Arrange for hospitalization/medical aid to the affected/injured persons.
- Control the spread of fire/further enhancement of situation
- By stopping power to the area
- By preventing air flow
- By cooling the area, around the site by spraying water
- By removing the material around the fire site
- Call for more supply of firefighting equipment’s.
- Attack the fire/mishap from all sides and prevent damage due to the firefighting operation to the equipment, material and personnel.
- Prevent unauthorized crowding of persons.
- Ensure control of other operations including isolation from the affected area.
- Maintain contract with the MAIN GATE CONTROL ROOM through
- at least two persons, stationed one at the phone and one as messenger.
- Instruct control room for informing Main site manager, Alternate Main site manager, Fire Brigade, Hospital etc. as per requirement.
- Maintain contact with Main site manager, Alternate Main site
- manager. Keep him informed of the situation and ensure necessary action as per his consent.
- Arrange for Head count of all employees of the area and ascertain through the supervisor/in charge of area that all people, equipment, material etc. has been saved / prevented from further damage.
- When the emergency is over, authorize the sounding of all clear sirens.
Duties of Core Group Members
On hearing the siren rushes to the site of the emergency and understand the situation. Do not get panicky. Make yourself noticeable and available to the site controller or the Alternate site controller. Carry out instructions as per the site controller/Alternate site controller. Core group members may be required to carry out any of the following duties:
- Rescue of injured person.
- Deporting of injured/affected person to the ambulance/ First aid room/ Hospital.
- Preventing spread of fire by cooling with the help of water spray
- Bring firefighting materials sand buckets, Fire Extinguishers, Foam Trolleys etc. to the site.
- The core group members of the affected area will specifically collect all firefighting equipments available in the department where emergency has taken place.
- Removing away combustible/ flammable materials/ containers from the site.
- ISOLATING of venerable equipments, material, containers etc.
- Help in maintaining communication with (main gate) control room.
- Extinguish the fire from all sides.
- After the emergency is over and all clear siren is sounded the core group members will return back to their jobs.
Helps in developing a health & safety, environmental and quality policy with effective support from employees
- To establish training programs that educate employees and supply chain partners about health & safety, environmental and quality issues in the workplace.
- Training can be carried out to deliver short-term requirements, such as for behavioral improvement or for re-skilling of re-deployed people.
- Or it can be part of long-term planned programs for induction of new employees or preparing staff for job changes.